
SANBI as a National Implementing Entity (NIE)

As of March 2013 the Adaptation Network became the formally appointed platform for communications and national capacity development support to the National Implementing Entity (NIE) to the Adaptation Fund, the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). This new and formalised working relationship is an exciting step for the Adaptation Network.

The Adaptation Fund was established as a means to finance adaptation programmes and projects in developing countries that are parties to the UNFCCC. Funding proposals for the Adaptation Fund must be submitted through an accredited National, Regional or Multilateral Implementing Entity. These entities are institutions that have been accredited by the Adaptation Fund Board to receive direct financial transfers from the Adaptation Fund. In our country the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) has been accredited, and thus acts as the National Implementing Entity (NIE).

SANBI-NIE logo final

The Drylands Fund

The Drylands Fund is a valued partner of the Adaptation Network that has provided various support to the Adaptation Network, funding Adaptation Network annual meetings and acting as a host to Network meetings.

The Drylands Fund was created to address landscape and livelihood needs by preventing and reversing land degradation and the related poverty cycles. The focus of the Fund is on promoting pro-poor (social justice) responses to sustainable land management, and on developing a biodiversity rich rural green economy.

The Drylands Fund

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