Adaptation Colloquium 2017: a Multi-stakeholder Adaptation ‘Think Tank’

Next month Rhodes University and the Adaptation Network will be co-hosting the 2017 Adaptation Colloquium, entitled “Climate change and extreme events: Linking disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) to reduce social vulnerability and build resilience”.  The event will take place on 30 & 31 May 2017 at the Postgraduate Village, Rhodes University, Grahamstown.

The focus on links between DRR and CCA has been prompted by the recent occurrence of the severe regional drought in southern African, and the cyclones, heavy storms and floods that occurred in the region earlier this year. There is no doubt that extreme hydrometeorological events, and their multiple and potentially disastrous impacts, are at the forefront of the public consciousness at the present time and are one of the key concerns regarding the impacts of climate change in the region. While the links between extreme climate events, disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) are recognised in the South African Climate Change White Paper, this is not the case for the whole region.

Even if there is national recognition of the need to synergise these two spheres of endeavour, this does not always trickle down to effective policy, planning and implementation at the local level, and the links to social vulnerability and poverty alleviation are not always made obvious in local plans and strategies.

The aim of this ‘Think Tank’ is to further the conversation regarding how to better link CCA and DRR in policy, practice and research. This will be achieved through sharing of research findings and hands-on experiences in the form of invited talks, case studies, panels and dialogues. Some of the major challenges or barriers to improved DRR and CCA coordination, as well as considering solutions to these.

This meeting will be of relevance to researchers and academics, NGO practitioners and government officials at all levels. Only a limited number of participants can be accommodated.

The Think Tank will follow on from a one day training session offered by the Adaptation Network.

A registration fee of R500 will be payable. If you are interested in participating please complete the online registration form:

For further information please contact Nick Hamer: