Adaptation Retreat, Nieuwoudtville – 19 to 22 September 2016

Over the past years many practitioners who have participated in the training courses offered by the Adaptation Network have requested the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and sharpen up their skills via a more advanced learning experience. In response, in September the Network will be offering a four-day advanced learning opportunity for practitioners who already have experience in conceptualising and facilitating adaptation processes.

The third training course in the Adaptation Network’s 2016 series is aimed at sharing knowledge about effective, people-driven adaptation practice. The course will be experientially based and include opportunities to reflect on the successes and challenges of adaptation processes. If you would like to refresh your thinking, acquire some new tools and take some time out with like-minded colleagues to renew your practice, this course is for you.

19 to 22 September 2016: Adaptation Retreat, Nieuwoudtville
For more information please write to Noel Oettlé: