
The Adaptation Network produces quarterly newsletters that cover adaptation-related topics and showcase members’ adaptation stories, events and projects. We welcome articles from all our members.

October 2023: Food Systems and Adaptation

This newsletter issue inspired by the recent Just Transition and Adaptation in the Food System: National Policy Dialogue held from 20-22 September 2023, and was a co-hosted by the AN.

July 2023: Climate Justice

This newsletter issue is on climate justice and it introduces our new “Youth Speaks” section, dedicated to the AN’s youth members to support and strengthen their capacity and agency in the area of climate adaptation.

March 2023: Gender and Adaptation

This newsletter edition is on gender and adaptation, inspired by the Climate Change Adaptation and Gender Mainstreaming Dialogue held on 8-9 March 2023.climate justice and it introduces our new “Youth Speaks” section, dedicated to the AN’s youth members to support and strengthen their capacity and agency in the area of climate adaptation.

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