Call for funding applications for knowledge exchange processes
The Adaptation Network extends an invitation for funding applications from members who would like to facilitate knowledge exchange processes for effective adaptation and learning between members of affected communities and communities of practice. Proposals should describe how and why the proposed knowledge exchange will contribute to successful adaptation practice, the methodology that will be followed, and the planned activities. A description of how the process will be reported on and shared more widely should be provided. Proposals should include a realistic budget of not more than R20,000, that also reflects the contributions to be made by the participating organisations and/or communities.
For more information and to submit proposals please contact Noel Oettlé:
Countries encouraged to accelerate domestic work relating to ratification of Paris Agreement
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is urging all countries who are signatory to the Paris Agreement to “accelerate” domestic processes to ensure that ratification can be completed this year. He invited world leaders to an event in September to deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the Paris Agreement on climate change. Hopes are high for early entry into force of agreement. 175 countries have already signed the Paris Agreement, and 19 have deposited their instruments of ratification
Changes in cloud behaviour exacerbate climate change
Analysis of satellite cloud records show a change in the behaviour of clouds in response to increased greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. Cloudy storm tracks are moving towards the poles, subtropical dry zones are expanding, and the tops of clouds are moving higher in the atmosphere. Although these changes have been projected by climate models, this is the first demonstration that this is in fact occurring.
Clouds play a cooling role by reflecting solar radiation back into space, but also warm the planet by holding thermal energy. The changes recorded result in less reflection of solar radiation, and a delay in releasing heat. The study, titled Evidence for Climate Change in the Satellite Cloud Record was led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at University if California San Diego. It was published in Nature.
Ocean temperatures shown to play a major role in western Antarctic Peninsula glacier stability
Research using satellite data of glaciers and ocean temperature measurements over several decades reveals that ocean warming is the main cause of glacier retreat on the western Antarctic Peninsula, is one of the largest contributors to sea level rise. The peninsula has 674 glaciers, of which 90 per cent have retreated since the 1940’s. Almost all the glaciers on the peninsula end in the sea. The research was conducted by Swansea University and British Antarctic Survey, and published in Science.
Adaptation Network Training Workshops
The Adaptation Network is holding a series of training courses during 2016. These are aimed at sharing knowledge about adaptation practice and participatory approaches towards adaptation.
10 & 11 August 2016: Introduction to Adaptation, King Williams Town
19 to 22 September 2016: Adaptation Retreat, Nieuwoudtville
For more information please write to Noel Oettlé: or Candice Arendse: