New version of ClimaTracker launched

The ClimaTracker app is an innovative geojournalism project that makes complex scientific data accessible in an easy-to-use interactive visualisation. Combined with cutting-edge journalism, it tells Southern Africa’s climate change stories at a mouse click.  It was built using climate modeling data generated by researchers at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), and uses yearly averages and other selected data points within the larger data sets to make the map timeline as responsive as possible, and to show the general trends of climate change expected in Southern Africa.

A new version of ClimaTracker was launched in early March.  New features include a Farming Map, which shows how primary agricultural production will change in different parts of the country due to climate change, and a Food Basket Calculator that gives users a quick indication of how climate change is affecting their monthly food costs.

ClimaTracker is a project of Oxpeckers Investigative Environmental Journalism.

ClimaTracker is available at

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