The Adaptation Network is inviting concept notes motivating for financial support for knowledge exchanges in the adaptation space. Concept notes may be submitted by full individual or organisational members of the Adaptation Network.
If you are a member of, or working with a community of practice that is engaged in achieving or promoting successful adaptation, and believe that this community will benefit from a knowledge and learning exchange with members of an associated community, please send your concept note to Noel Oettlé at The concept note should clearly articulate the purpose and expected outcomes of the knowledge exchange, the planned activities, and should include a realistic budget. The budget should reflect any anticipated costs for travel and accommodation, to a maximum of R20,000, The budget should not include payment of any staff time: professional time of staff of motivating organisations will be regarded as an in-kind contribution.
Preference will be given to co-funded processes, and those which do not rely on air travel.
A short illustrated report on the knowledge exchange process will be required by the Network.