Each year, the venue for the Network’s AGM rotates between South African cities, and this year’s AGM will be hosted by the Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG) at the University of Cape Town in Rondebosch on Wednesday, 14th November 2018. The meeting will take place between 10:00 – 13:00.
As usual, the AGM will be an opportunity for members to meet and exchange experiences and views, whilst also shaping the strategic direction of the Network and attending to its governance. The Steering Committee and Secretariat will report on the activities undertaken in the past year and will the membership will be able to engage in discussions about plans for the year ahead.
One of the key elements of this year’s meeting will be consideration of proposed amendments to the Constitution of the Network intended to create a democratic space for Individual Members of the Network to participate in its governance as electors and office bearers of the organisation.
After 4 years as host to the Secretariat of the Network, EMG is stepping down from this role and the appointment of an incoming Network Secretariat will be a crucial decision to be made by the membership. We would like to encourage all member organisations to consider whether they would like to step up to the task, and to discuss this internally prior to the meeting.
A new Network Steering Committee will be elected to serve for the coming year. The final agenda for the meeting will be circulated in advance and we would appreciate it if you would submit any proposals for items for the agenda to the Secretariat.
Venue: Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG), University of Cape Town Main Campus, Rondebosch
Date: 14 November 2018
Time: 10am – 1pm