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Human Rights Media Trust / Mycelium Media Colab
(Jacqueline van Meygaarden)
‘Hotspot Series of Climate Action Resources’ (videos). “Resources designed to help communities and activists make sense of the complexity of climate change. These videos explore some of the key concepts that climate activists are grappling with in the fight against climate change.”Link
Life After Coal/GroundWork (Victor Munnik)Just Transition Open Agenda
Developed by Life After Coal campaign, Earthlife Africa (Johannesburg), the Centre for Environmental Rights and groundWork, this agenda consists of actions that need to be taken to ensure a Just Transition.
Life After Coal/GroundWork (Victor Munnik)Slow Transition on the Fossil Fuel Fenceline: A Community M&E Perspective’
The full report on the community-based M&E of the Just Transition
Institute for Environmental Justice (Yasirah Madhi)Working Paper on ‘Advancing a Just Transition: A rights-based approach to climate financing’Link
Centre for Environmental Rights (Brandon Abdinor)“This Working Paper, Advancing a Just Transition: A rights-based approach to climate financing, authored by the IEJ for the Climate Ambition to Accountability Project (CAAP) aims to critically assess the role of climate financing in achieving a just energy transition and proposes a research agenda for civil society empowerment. The rights-based framework employed considers human rights as intrinsic to every individual, emphasising the state’s duty to ensure their realisation. The ‘Billions to Trillions’ agenda, adopted by global financial institutions, raises concerns by prioritising private sector interests over development goals.”Link